Friday, February 11, 2011

Slumbering Giants?

For almost 4 years now I have watched Bruce Weber run Mike Tisdale out on the floor and I have yet to see any improvement. After watching the latest chapter unfold last night at "The Barn" its obvious that young Mr. Tisdale better make sure he graduates and is able to put that Communications Degree to use because he has about 6 weeks of basketball left in his future before he becomes a ringer in office leagues.

I got to thinking about other bad big white guys that Illinois has given a free education to and decided to compare a few.

Tisdale: 105gp 72gs 21 min per game 79.6% ft shooter 4 rebs per game and 8.6 ppg  This dude is 7'1" and averages 4 rebounds and 8.6 points per game????

Nick Smith: 135gp 15gs 13.6 min per game 76.3% ft shooter 2.6 rebs per game and 4.7ppg. Mr. smith was 7'2"

Before Nick Smith the Illini's last 7 footer was none other than Jens Kujawa he played on the '86, '87, and '88 Illini teams but a quick google search doesn't turn up any career stats while in Champaign/Urbana. Makes ya think that somebody, somewhere was trying to forget. Hmmmm, wish I could.

Coach Weber has actually had a few good years of recruiting and it will be evident by the 2011-12 Illini team that takes the floor. The Freshman, Sophomores, & Juniors will be from those 3 years and it may be Weber's last chance to be something more than mediocre in the new Big 10.