Friday, August 6, 2010

Internet Muscles be Damned

Urban Dictionary defines it like this, internet muscles - When someone tries to act all big and cool on the internet by posting offensive and rude posts and comments on forums, youtube, etc. Often done to attempt to feel good about one's sad pathetic lonely life.

In my case the "etc." is our fantasy baseball league but I have seen it plenty of times in forums or chat rooms as well. I play in private leagues almost exclusively but one of the leagues I am in had to replace a couple owners so the commish branched out and brought in what he thought was going to be a good owner from one of his public leagues. Huge mistake! This guy sent out unprovoked, pre-draft e-mail rants where he cc'd friends who weren't in the league so that he could show off. These rants were filled with name calling and personal attacks to complete strangers who were suppose to coexist with him for the next 6 months. When the draft was finished one of our original owners(not me) posted his annual best and worst draft picks piece on the league message board. New guy took Aroldis Chapman in 1st round of a 12 team, 10 player keeper league so "author" of piece dubbed it worst pick of round 1. Most everyone else in league agreed.

From that point forward the internet muscles were in full flex, over the course of the next couple of months the league message board was home to long winded, insult filled posts towards the "author". Most posts were in ALL CAPS, sentence fragments, misspelled, and followed by LOL. Each insult was followed by a series of periods before the next attack began. If we didn't know better we would have suspected this to be some juvenile delinquent who was lashing out because his parents didn't love him enough but we knew from his profile he was a "grown ass man!" A couple of the more civil owners, including the commish tried to intervene when the attacks got so personal that they included the "author's" recently deceased father and the fact that he has Tourette's Syndrome. Yes he did. You can't make this stuff up. Attempts were made to censor his posts, it took a month or better but finally things have calmed from daily to weekly diarrhea of the mouth.

This same guy was supposed to play with the same group for football but he wore out his welcome and the commish had to tell the guy he was getting the boot for "the betterment of the league and for the enjoyment of the other 11 owners." Sad how people feel the need to personally attack others to feel better about themselves but even worse when they do it from behind the "annonymity" of their computers. This wasn't taking place at school or work where these people had to be there. This was in a recreational format that was by invitation only.

Some peoples kids...

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